50 Mathtastic Pi Day Activities for the Classroom

March 14 is Pi Day, giving math lovers all around the world a perfect reason to geek out. Good thing there are loads of hands-on activities available to help you celebrate with your students. We’ve gathered 50 of our favorite Pi Day activities that are both infinitely fun and educational to help get you started.

1. Pi Day Worksheet Bundle
Kick off your Pi Day celebration with these free downloadable resources. Included are worksheets on the history of Pi Day, Pi Day vocabulary, news, art, fractions, and more. Fill out the form on this landing page to grab them.

2. Learn all about the history of Pi Day
Founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, March 14 was selected because the numerical date (3.14) represents the first three digits of pi, and it also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday. Get all the facts below, then maybe try your hand at making this Pi Day pie!
Learn more: What Is Pi Day?

3. Make Pi Day graph art
Graph the digits of pi onto a pi-shaped piece of graph paper using fingers dipped into colorful paint. Fun for younger students.
Learn more: Pi Graph Art
4. Learn 10 surprising things about Pi Day
From the discovery of pi to the establishment of Pi Day, take a brain break with your students with this video.
5. Go on a Pi Day Webquest
Hone your students’ web-based inquiry skills with these engaging lesson ideas celebrating Pi Day.
Learn more: Pi Day Webquest

6. Make pi necklaces
Using this key designating different colors for each of the digits in pi, have students string up their very own pi necklace.
Learn more: Pi Day Necklaces

7. Assemble a Pi Day paper chain
Just like pi, paper chains can be endless in activity time, length, and fun! As a class or grade, create a Pi Day chain with loops of construction paper using a different color for each of 10 digits. Each colored chain link represents a decimal place or a digit. Schools around the country have gotten in on this Pi Day trend and have even attempted world records. How long will your students’ Pi Day chain be?
Learn more: Pi Day Paper Chains

8. Do the math
Provide plenty of circular objects like coffee cans, soup cans, pie tins, paper plates, bowls, CDs, and candles. Then have kids measure the diameter and circumference, divide the circumference by the diameter, and watch their amazement as the number comes out to about 3.14 every single time. You can finish up by measuring some round treats (chocolate chip cookies, anyone?).
Learn more: Pi Day Measuring

9. Roll pi digits with dice
Download this handy template and challenge your students to roll the first 10 (or 5) digits of pi in order using Tenzi dice or regular dice.
Learn more: Pi Day Dice Challenge

10. Make a DIY spirograph
This activity is a fun way to celebrate circles, circumference, diameter … all the things that lead to pi!
Learn more: DIY Spirograph
11. Memorize those pi digits!
Unbelievably, record holder Suresh Kumar Sharma recited 70,030 digits in 17 hours, 14 minutes on March 21, 2015. Use this catchy song to challenge your students to learn the first 100 digits of pi. Play it in the background while your kids work on other projects, and they’ll know it by heart in no time.

12. Celebrate Albert Einstein
Archimedes may have first calculated pi, but how perfect is it that Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879? Have students research this famous scientist and present facts and artwork to the class. For elementary kids, On a Beam of Light by Jennifer Berne is our favorite picture book biography of Einstein!
Buy it: On a Beam of Light

13. Play a card game
Looking for easy Pi Day activities? In this simple card game, kids race to see who can get rid of all their cards as they lay out the digits of pi. You can print out the digits in advance for reference or challenge older students to recall them from memory as they go.
Learn more: Digits of Pi Card Game

14. Use yarn and other ordinary objects
Discover a hidden number present in every circle with just string and scissors. Try it with an orange, a coffee cup, a roll of tape, a plate … any round object!
Learn more: Measuring Pi With String

15. Make paper plate pies
Little ones may not be ready to understand the concept of pi itself, but they can get in on the fun with this activity that introduces them to circles and ratios. All you need are some paper plates, construction paper, and a few other basic supplies. Kids mix and match the pieces to make a complete “pie,” learning more about circles along the way.
Learn more: Fraction Paper Plate Pies

16. Craft “pi” gift boxes
Build these cutie-pie paper gift boxes with your class, then fill them with circle-based treats of your choice. There’s plenty of math to be done along the way—students can use the length of one pie piece side (which is the radius of the circle) to calculate the area and circumference of a complete pie. Get a template and complete how-to at the link below.
Learn more: Paper Pie Gift Boxes

17. Introduce Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi
An engaging read-aloud about math? Yes, please! In Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander, the main character has been changed into a fire-breathing dragon. His son Radius and Lady Di of Ameter search for clues to the magic number that is the same for all circles in order to change him back. If you love Sir Cumference’s adventures, you’ll be happy to know this book is part of a much larger series.
Buy it: Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi: A Math Adventure

18. Go outside for a supersized pi
Need some outdoor Pi Day activities? Try this hands-on group activity to measure a circle and use the formula to find pi.
Learn more: Measure a Circle

21. Write pi-ku poems
Poems and Pi Day activities go hand-in-hand. Have your students write their own “pi-ku” poems. Inspired by haiku, these quick poems have a different number of syllables in each line, based on the digits of pi.
First line: 3 syllables
Second line: 1 syllable
Third line: 4 syllables
Learn more: Pi-Ku Poems

22. Measure all the circles
Set out a variety of circular objects. You may have to raid your kitchen, classroom, or even the school gym and music room to collect circles of all sizes. Using a string and yardstick, students will measure the length of each circle’s circumference and its diameter and record their work on a chart.
Learn more: Measuring Circles

23. Bake some π cookies
Use a pi-shaped cookie cutter to bake these sweets the night before Pi Day, then have students help you decorate them. You can sell them as part of a fundraiser, or snack on them while you do some of the other Pi Day activities on this list.
Learn more: Pi Cookies

24. Conduct a pi symphony
Turn pi into music! Start by experimenting with pi10k, which turns pi into music as you’ve never heard before. Then, create your own class symphony using pi to structure the composition. Check out the link below for all the details.
Learn more: Pi Symphony

25. Create your own pi puzzle
Print this puzzle on card stock and let students color it in first if you choose. Then, cut the pieces apart and see if students can put them back together by remembering the digits of pi in order.
Learn more: Pi Puzzle

26. Go dotty!
Create circles with Q-tips and paint for this pointillism art project. Then, have students measure circumference and diameter of as many of their circles as they can to see if their calculations equal pi.
Learn more: Dot n’ Spots

27. Graph a pi-line skyline
Hand out graph paper and colored markers or crayons and have students graph the digits of pi using a bar graph format. Once their pi-line skyline is created, invite them to color in the “buildings” and sky, complete with pi-in-the-sky constellations.
Learn more: Graph a Pi-Line

28. Plot out pi-inspired art
Math and art have a lot more in common than your students might think. Show kids these pi-inspired art pieces, then hand out paper and markers and have them create their own. Click the link below for two cool pi-inspired art projects to get you started.
Learn more: Pi Plotting

29. Create punny pi-lentines
Sure, Valentine’s Day is in February, not March, but now it’s time for pi-lentines instead! Break out your best pi puns to make cards that celebrate Pi Day. Get free printable templates at the link below, or have kids make their own.
Learn more: Pi Day Cards

30. Dress the part
Every math teacher should consider showing off geeky gear on Pi Day! We love T-shirts that celebrate everyone’s favorite irrational number. Feeling crafty? Cut a pi shape out of iron-on vinyl using a die-cut machine or by hand, and then make your own perfect pi shirt.
Buy it: Math Geek Pi Day T-Shirt

31. Have a pi word challenge
You don’t need to be a math teacher to celebrate with Pi Day activities. Instead of a pie-eating contest, hold a pi-writing contest in your classroom. Set a timer to three minutes and challenge your students to write as many words as they can that start with “pi.” Ready. Set. Go!
Learn more: Pi Word Challenge

32. Plan a Pi Day run
Did you know that a 5k is actually just a bit short of 3.14 miles? That makes it perfect for a Pi Day run! Of course, the winners get some pie.
Learn more: Pi Day Run

34. Fashion a pretty “stained-glass” pi plate
We love easy crafts with a wow factor, and this one has it for sure! Use tissue paper circles to create the stained-glass effect, and write the numbers of pi around the cutout. How cool would these look hanging in your classroom window or from the ceiling?
Learn more: Stained-Glass Pi

35. Have some fun with a simple pi game
This free printable game is great for introducing the kindergarten set to the numbers of pi, even if the concept is a little over their heads for now. They’ll have fun collecting the pieces of “pi” and laying them out in order to win.
Learn more: Pi Board Game

36. Read Happy Pi Day to You! and make pie plate hats
Happy Pi Day to You! by Bonnie Worth is an engaging and interactive read-aloud to get kids thinking about and measuring circles. For extra fun, grab a stack of disposable pie plates to re-create the Pi Day hats the book’s characters all wear!
Buy it: Happy Pi Day to You!
37. Calculate pi with actual mini-pies
You may not be able to replicate this one in your classroom, but your students will get a kick out of watching this guy do it!

38. Learn the secret of pi
This one is especially mind-blowing. 3.14 actually spells PIE when reflected in a mirror! Have your kids write out the equation as shown, and then show them in a reflection.
Learn more: Secret of Pi

39. String a pi bracelet
There are two ways to make a bead bracelet on a pipe cleaner for Pi Day. Using the one shown above as a guide, have kids string three beads of one color, followed by one of another color, then four, and so on. Or assign each number a color and string one bead for each digit.
Learn more: Pi Bracelet

40. Try an activity from NASA
The space program uses pi quite a bit in calculations, and NASA has been gracious enough to put together a wealth of activities for teachers on Pi Day. Check out these classroom activities and problem sets for all grades.
Learn more: NASA Activities

41. Bake a pi pie
You knew there had to be some actual pie on this list, right? If you’re going to bake a pie for Pi Day, why not do it in a pi pie pan! (Try saying that five times fast.) Of course, you could also make brownies or another delicious treat in this pan.
Buy it: Pi Pie Pan

42. Cuddle with a pi plush
This isn’t really an activity, but we couldn’t pass up how adorable this pi plush is! Display it in your classroom, or use it as an incentive for one of your contests.
Buy it: Pi Plush Stuffed Toy

43. Do a Pi Day workout
After consuming all that pi-shaped food, a workout to burn off some calories may not be a bad idea. So, start with the number 3 and work your way through the digits of pi. For example, 3 jumping jacks, squat jumps, or mountain climbers; 1 deep breath; 4 pushups, lunges, or squats; 1 deep breath, etc.
Learn more: Pi Day Exercises

44. Play Two Truths and a Pi
This activity is a fun twist on the game Two Truths and a Lie. The goal is to figure out which statement is false about various measurements related to circles.
Learn more: Two Truths and a Pi

45. Go for the gold
Looking for epic Pi Day activities? Take your students outside and go for the world record! The largest human pi symbol recorded was 589 students and teachers from Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Grammar School in Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg, Germany.
Learn more: Human Pi Symbol

46. Go on a circle scavenger hunt
Make a list of circular objects found in your classroom, or have students bring them from home. To begin, give one list to each group of two or three students, set a timer, and let them loose to look around the classroom for the items on the list.
Learn more: Circle Scavenger Hunt
47. Use pi to find the area of a circle
Finding the area of a circle is a bit of a mind-boggling concept. This video (for older students) actually breaks it down in an understandable way using clever visuals.
Learn more: Area of a Circle

48. Calculating pi
Pi is an irrational number, which means that it can be calculated to an infinite number of decimal places without ever slipping into a repeating pattern. As such, it is difficult, but not impossible, to calculate precisely. Below are five ways to go about it.
Learn more: Calculating Pi

49. Do a pi toss
Who knew you can estimate pi by randomly tossing toothpicks? This hands-on activity requires some higher math thinking skills, so it is best for older students.
Learn more: Pi Toss

50. Make pi suncatchers
Using fuse beads, guide your students through these activities to calculate pi. Then, melt the beads and string them up to create a pretty suncatcher.
Learn more: Pi Suncatchers