Reddit Looks to Facilitate More Activity With New Posting Updates

Reddit’s rolling out some new updates to assist in the posting process, including new prompts to provide more insight into subreddit rules, and options to repost your content into other communities.

First off, Reddit will now display potential subreddit rule violations before you post, enabling you to better align with each community’s requirements.
Which has long been a headache on the app, that you compose a post, which seems to be a fit, then it gets immediately rejected because of a violation of the various community rules.
Each subreddit group has its own range of specific regulations that you need to abide by, and it can be easy to fall foul of such if you’re not paying attention. Which is a lot different to normal social media posting, and can be a turn off for new users.
As such, this could be a significant step to facilitate more activity.
Also helpful on this front: Now, when your post is rejected, Reddit’s making it easier to repost to an alternative subreddit instead (second screenshot above).
Finally, Reddit will also now display each community’s posting requirements before you post.
Again, this is a frustrating element of the app, and it can be a big turn off for potential contributors, so it’s good to see Reddit taking steps to address this aspect.
On another front, Reddit will also start suggesting relevant communities that you may want to post to, based on the content of your post.
The process will utilize Reddit’s improved machine learning to detect related groups, which could be another way to enhance user engagement.
Finally, Reddit’s also rolling out post insights, including notes on reach, views, demographic engagement, etc.

As explained by Reddit:
“With the improved insights interface, you can instantly see:
- Total views & a 48-hour view graph
- Upvotes & comments (including your top comment)
- Shares & crossposts
- Awards received
We’ll also release another iteration of Post Insights soon after the initial launch, including new info like:
- How your post compares with your other posts
- How your post ranks within the subreddit
- Hourly trends on all stats
- Number of unique viewers
- Which countries your post is getting the most views from”
These are some valuable updates, which will make it easier for contributors to engage and participate in the app.
Because as noted, subreddit rules can be annoying, especially when it’s some pedantic, specific requirement that immediately invalidates your post.
Now, you’ll have more active insight into such, which could help to alleviate a key hurdle to participation, and get more of the platform’s 100 million daily users contributing their thoughts.
You can read more about Reddit’s latest posting updates here.
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