Rangers Respond to Snowmobile Incidents in Hamilton County

New York State Forest Rangers had a busy day in Hamilton County in the Adirondacks on Friday, February 28th, responding to a snowmobile accident and a 70-year-old rider broke down and lost on Indian Lake.
On February 28th, just before 2 pm, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office requested Forest Ranger assistance with a snowmobile accident on Uncas Road in the town of Inlet. When Rangers Miller and Scott arrived, Inlet Fire and EMS and Raquette Lake Fire were already on scene.
The 23-year-old from Schenectady struck a tree and was ejected from his snowmobile. The snowmobiler temporarily lost consciousness. Rangers assisted other rescuers in packaging the subject, and an Inlet ambulance transported the subject to a hospital for treatment.
later that day, a about 8:20 pm, Forest Rangers Hamm and O’Connell responded to a report from Hamilton County Dispatch about a missing snowmobiler last seen on Mason Lake, north of Perkins Clearing, a popular snowmobiling area.
The 70-year-old from New Jersey separated from riding partners when he started having mechanical issues and by the time he started traveling again, he lost the group.
Forest Rangers searched with negative results and requested two additional Rangers to assist. Rangers Miller and Scott joined the efforts and searched Indian Lake.
Darkness, snow, and heavy winds made the tracks impossible to follow. Rangers, Indian Lake Fire Department, and New York State Police continued searching.
At 12:30 am, Rangers Miller and Scott followed a faint set of tracks and found the snowmobiler on the east shore of the lake. Rangers replaced the drive belt on the snowmobile and assisted the subject to Lake Shore Road for evaluation by Indian Lake EMS.
Read about past Forest Ranger missions. Read about snowmobiling in New York.
Photo of stuck snowmobile at Indian Lake provided by DEC.
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