Social media

Instagram Adds Double Speed Playback Option for Reels

Instagram has rolled out a much-requested feature for Reels, with users now able to watch its short video clips in 2x speed if they choose.

Instagram Reels 2x playback

Which, considering that Reels are generally only a minute or so long, seems unnecessary. But then again, Instagram did extend the length of Reels to 3 minutes back in January, which means that longer clips are now flowing into the Reels system.

So it could well be of benefit, and as noted, it has been a highly requested update.

As per Instagram:

“Today, we’re globally launching the ability to play an Instagram Reel at 2x speed. This has been a highly requested feature from our community, and we hope being able to fast forward helps give you more control over your Reels experience as you connect with friends over content you love and enjoy.”

To watch a Reel at double pace, you can long-press on the right or left edge of the screen during playback. The video will then play at 2x speed until you release.

There are no other playback speed options at this stage, it’s either 2x or nothing, though you can also skim ahead, as normal, to get to the punchline faster.

Will that be a winner? Well, the rapid pace of media, combined with shortening attention spans, does lend itself to faster viewing. People listen to podcasts at double speed to get more in, people watch longer videos on YouTube at 2x or 3x speed to feed in more information, etc.

And users have been calling for this (note: you can already watch TikTok videos at 2x speed), so it does seem like it could be a popular, valuable addition.

Instagram says that all users will be able to use its new 2x playback option from today.

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