
How Haudenosaunee Women and Fashion Shaped History

Shirts Powdered ReShirts Powdered ReHistorians use a lot of different sources when they research the past. Many rely on primary source documents, documents that were written by official government bodies or those written by the people or who witnessed the events or changes historians are studying.

But how do you uncover the voices and stories of people who didn’t know how to write or whose families didn’t preserve much of their writing?

Maeve Kane, an Associate Professor of History at the University at Albany and author of Shirts Powdered Red: Gender, Trade, and Exchange Across Three Centuries, ran into this very problem as she sought to recover the lives of Haudenosaunee women.

In this episode of the Ben Franklin’s World podcast, Maeve discusses how she overcame this challenge by researching a different type of historical source — the cloth Haudenosaunee women traded for and the clothing they made and wore.

You can listen to the episode here.

Ben Franklin’s World is an award-winning podcast. It’s for people who love history and for those who want to know more about the historical people and events that have impacted and shaped our world. Each episode features an interview with a historian who shares their unique insights into our early American past.

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