
Discarded review: In millions of years, what could a future civilisation learn about us?

Welcome to Hawaii's 'plastic beach', one of the world's dirtiest places. Hawaii has long evoked images of a Pacific paradise but Kamilo Beach, located on the Big Island, presents a starkly different reality. Hawaii??s efforts to push back on rampant plastics consumption have been among the boldest in the country. ?? Liz Barney / Guardian / eyevine Contact eyevine for more information about using this image: T: +44 (0) 20 8709 8709 E:

Plastic litter on beaches is causing “plastiglomerate” rocks to form

Liz Barney/Guardian/eyevine

Sarah Gabbott and Jan Zalasiewicz (Oxford University Press)

Humanity has fallen. The last people are long dead after our inadequate efforts to cut carbon emissions let global warming continue unchecked. Most animals and plants were wiped out in the sixth mass extinction to hit our planet.

Millions of years have passed and the few hardy species that survived have evolved to create a novel array of endless and beautiful forms. A new intelligent species has come to dominate Earth with the help of complex machines. They are…

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