Rescued Bald Eagle with Avian Influenza Euthanized

On Saturday, February 22, New York State Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) Franz and Radomski responded to reports of an sickly bald eagle on a trail near Croton Gorge in the town of Cortlandt in Westchester County, NY.
A man told the ECOs he was bird watching when he encountered the eagle and gave the officers an approximate location where the bird was seen on the trail.
ECOs Franz and Radomski located the injured bald eagle in the darkness and safely secured it for transport to Animal Nation, a wildlife rehabilitation facility in nearby South Salem.
The facility reported the eagle later tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and was euthanized.
The New York State Cooperative Wildlife Health Program (WHP) is monitoring the occurrence and impact of HPAI across the state.
Confirmed cases are listed on the USDA website and shown on the USGS map.
Consider groups of birds found deceased to be HPAI positive and follow safety protocols found here to reduce contact.
Report sick or deceased wildlife here.
Read more about New York’s Bald Eagles.
ECO Radomski with bald eagle rescued near Croton Gorge Unique Area.
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